In accordance with the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated March 02, 2021 "On measures to introduce an antimonopoly compliance system" No. 114, an antimonopoly compliance system was introduced in Uztransgaz JSC and the compliance control department was entrusted with the authority to ensure compliance with competition law, identify and prevent risks of their violation.
"The roadmap for 2021-2022 to reduce the risks of violation of competition laws in the system of the Company" was approved by the decision of the Board of Uztransgaz JSC dated November 8, 2021, No. 22.
In accordance with paragraph 20 of Appendix 1 to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated March 2, 2021 "On measures to introduce the antimonopoly compliance system" No. 114, the the official website and submission to the antitrust authority.
The Compliance Control Department of the Company prepared a report on antimonopoly compliance provided for by the Roadmap and the results of monitoring to reduce the risks of violation of competition laws, posted on the official website of Uztransgaz JSC and submitted to the Antimonopoly Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
The Antimonopoly Committee has set the targets set for 2022.
In cases of violations of competition law committed by officials of Uztransgaz JSC and their structural divisions, an interactive button “Report on restriction of competition” has been created on the official website of the Company.
E-mail address of the authorized person of the compliance control department of Uztransgaz JSC providing monitoring and activities of the antimonopoly compliance system:

Antimonopoly Compliance Report
In order to ensure the implementation of the PF Resolution 6013 on additional measures to improve the anti-corruption system in the Republic of Uzbekistan, the structure of Uztransgaz JSC introduced on November 20, 2020 was created
The Compliance and Control Department of Uztransgaz JSC conducts official checks in government and organizational structures to assess corruption risks, monitor and control the effectiveness of anti-corruption procedures, as well as cases of corruption and illegal actions of employees, and conducts excavations.
If there is a possibility of committing or committing corruption by officials of Uztransgaz JSC and its organizational structures, on the official website of the Company “On stopping corruption”, an interactive button and a telegram bot UztransgazAnticodingBot are reported.
Authorized person for the control and functioning of the anti-corruption compliance system in the Compliance Control Department e-mail: