Update date: 10.05.2024 14:20:37
Isakov Askar Sharifjonovich
Acting Chairman of the Board
- Telephone: +998 71 202-10-60
- E-mail: info@utg.uz
- Reception days: Wednesday 10:00 - 12:00
Isakov Askar Sharifjonovich
Acting Chairman of the Board
- Telephone: +998 71 202-10-60
- E-mail: info@utg.uz
- Reception days: Wednesday 10:00 - 12:00
Working career
Isakov Askar Sharifjon Ugli was born in 1983 in the Namangan region of the Republic of Uzbekistan, in 2004 he graduated from the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Land Reclamation with a degree in mechanical engineer, in 2013 he graduated from the Academy of Standardization, Metrology and Certification of the Russian Federation, in 2023 he graduated from Tashkent State Technical University majoring in oil and gas engineering.A. Isakov began his career in 2004 as an engineer at Uzpakhtamash OJSC.
In 2006-2009 he worked at OJSC "Toshkent Shahar Yul Kurilish va Tamirlash Trust", in 2009-2010 at State Joint-Stock Company "O'zavtoyo'l", in 2010 at Unitary Enterprise "Paxta Neft Baza".
From 2010 to 2018, he worked as a process engineer at O‘zdavneftgazinspeksiya, head of the O‘zdavzaxira department under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, also as deputy director, director at LLC Markazlashgan Respublika taʼminot baza-Toshkent and general director at Omega Building Group LLC.
In the period from 2018 to 2019, he worked as the head of the Tashkent regional department of O‘zdavneftgazinspeksiya under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and until 2023 he worked as deputy head of the inspection for control over the use of petroleum products and gas of O‘zdavneftgazinspeksiya under the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
From August 21, 2023, he was appointed acting chairman of the board of Uztransgaz JSC.
Married, has 3 children.
Isakov Askar Sharifjonovich
Acting Chairman of the Board
- Telephone: +998 71 202-10-60
- E-mail: info@utg.uz
- Reception days: Wednesday 10:00 - 12:00
Functional responsibilities
The chairman of the board is obliged:
- Within the limits of his competence, manage the current activities of the Company, with the exception of issues attributed to the exclusive competence of the general meeting of shareholders and the supervisory board, ensuring it's efficient and sustainable operation;
- Organize the execution of decisions of the general meeting of shareholders and the Supervisory Board of the Company;
- Submit to the general meeting of shareholders within the established time frame and the Supervisory Board of the Company quarterly reports on the progress of the annual business plan, on measures taken to achieve the development strategy of the Company, as well as reports on the state of affairs related to its competence;
- Lead the development of programs and business plans for the development of the Company, organize and monitor their implementation;
- Ensure the fulfillment of the Company's contractual obligations.
- Provide profit in the amount required for the development of the Society, solving social issues;
- Ensure the legality of the Company's activities;
- Ensure the organization, proper condition and reliability of the accounting and reporting of the Company, timely submission of the annual report and other financial statements to the relevant authorities, as well as information about the activities of the company sent to shareholders, creditors and other recipients of information;
- Freely provide documents on the financial and economic activities of the Company at the request of the Audit Commission of the Company or auditors of the Company;
- Ensure the completeness and timeliness of the submission of state statistical reports to the relevant authorities;
- Ensure effective interaction between structural divisions of the Company, its enterprises and organizations;
- Preserve information constituting a commercial secret of the Company, unless the transfer of such information to third parties is included in the scope of its duties. The list of information constituting a commercial secret of the Company is determined by the Supervisory Board of the Company;
- Ensure the protection of information constituting an official or commercial secrets, employees of the Company;
- Organize meetings of the Board of the Company, sign documents on behalf of the Company and minutes of meetings of the Board;
- Take measures to provide the Company with qualified personnel, to make the best use of knowledge, qualifications, experience and the abilities of the Company's employees;
- Ensure maintenance of labor and technological discipline, compliance with social guarantees and labor protection of the Company's employees;
- Ensure the participation of employer representatives in collective bargaining. Act as an employer in collective bargaining and agreements. To fulfill obligations under the collective agreement;
- Coordinate with the supervisory board long business trips and the time of use of vacations. Inform the supervisory board about the person performing his duties during the period of his absence.
- He directly manages departments, divisions and other divisions in accordance with the approved structure.
Raxmonov Muhsin Narzilloyevich
Deputy Chairman of the Board for Finance and Marketing
- Telephone: +998 71 202-10-60
- E-mail: m.raxmonov@utg.uz
- Reception days: Tuesday 09.00 -11.00
Raxmonov Muhsin Narzilloyevich
Deputy Chairman of the Board for Finance and Marketing
- Telephone: +998 71 202-10-60
- E-mail: m.raxmonov@utg.uz
- Reception days: Tuesday 09.00 -11.00
Working career
Rakhmanov Muhsin Narzilloevich was born in 1983 in Bukhara region. He graduated from Bukhara Institute of Food and Light Industry Technology, majoring in oil and gas work, commissioning and operation of oil and gas fields.Muhsin Narzilloevich started his career as an operator at the Gazlitransgazqazibchiqarish enterprise.
In 2007-2023, he worked in the position of deputy head of the Gas Main Gas Pipeline Department of the joint-stock company "Uztransgaz".
From October 9, 2023, he was appointed to the position of the first deputy chairman of the board of directors of "Uztransgaz" joint-stock company for production - chief engineer.
Raxmonov Muhsin Narzilloyevich
Deputy Chairman of the Board for Finance and Marketing
- Telephone: +998 71 202-10-60
- E-mail: m.raxmonov@utg.uz
- Reception days: Tuesday 09.00 -11.00
Functional responsibilities
First deputy chairman of the board for production-chief engineer:The trunk determines the technical policy, development prospects and ways of implementing complex programs aimed at ensuring the uninterrupted operation of the gas-transport system;
The chairman of the Department of the scientific and technical Council of the society in the direction of activity is considered;
Manages the organization of stable operation of objects of the highway gas-transport system;
Organizes work on the preparation of directly subordinate units under control for stable operation in the autumn-winter period;
Develops and implements measures for the introduction of modern techniques and technologies in the production process of directly subordinate units under control;
Directly heads departments, departments and other divisions in accordance with the approved structural structure.
Safarov Shohjahon Ilhomovich
- Telephone: +998 71 202-10-60
- E-mail: sh.safarov@utg.uz
- Reception days: Monday 10:00 - 12:00
Safarov Shohjahon Ilhomovich
- Telephone: +998 71 202-10-60
- E-mail: sh.safarov@utg.uz
- Reception days: Monday 10:00 - 12:00
Working career
Safarov Shokhjakhon Ilkhomovich was born in 1989 in the Navoi region of the Republic of Uzbekistan, higher education, graduated from the International University of Westminster in 2010 with a degree in Economics, in 2012 received a master's degree in international Business and Management from the International University of Westminster.In 2013-2017, Sh.Safarov worked as a researcher at Uzlitineftegaz JSC, in 2017-2019 - Chief specialist and head of department at Uzbekneftegaz JSC.
From 2019 to the present, Uztransgaz JSC has been heading the Investment and Transformation Department.
Safarov was also assigned the temporary duties of the first Deputy Chairman of the Board of JSC Uztransgaz for transformation from October 9, 2023.
Safarov Shohjahon Ilhomovich
- Telephone: +998 71 202-10-60
- E-mail: sh.safarov@utg.uz
- Reception days: Monday 10:00 - 12:00
Functional responsibilities
Umarov Baxtiyor Muratovich
Deputy Chairman of the board for finance and economy.
- Telephone: +998 71 202-10-60
- E-mail: b.m.umarov@utg.uz
- Reception days: Thursday 10:00 -12:00
Umarov Baxtiyor Muratovich
Deputy Chairman of the board for finance and economy.
- Telephone: +998 71 202-10-60
- E-mail: b.m.umarov@utg.uz
- Reception days: Thursday 10:00 -12:00
Working career
Umarov Bakhtiyor Muratovich was born in 1979 in Tashkent, has a higher education, graduated from the Tashkent State University of Economics in 2002 with a bachelor's degree in Foreign Economic Activity, in 2012 received a master's degree from the Higher School of Business at the Academy of State and Public Construction under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan with a degree in Business Management.
B.Umarov in 2003-2018, he worked in the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan in various positions.
In 2018-2022, he worked as the head of the department in the Financial and Economic Department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
In 2022-2023, he worked as the head of the Financial and Economic Department and the Department of Financial Flows and Pricing Policy at the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Since December 20, 2023, he has been working as Deputy Chairman for Finance and Economics at “Uztransgaz” JSC.
He is married and has three children.
Umarov Baxtiyor Muratovich
Deputy Chairman of the board for finance and economy.
- Telephone: +998 71 202-10-60
- E-mail: b.m.umarov@utg.uz
- Reception days: Thursday 10:00 -12:00
Functional responsibilities
Deputy Chairman of the Management Board for Finance and Economics:
- Determines the economic policy, prospects for the economic development of the Company, ways of implementing complex programs in areas of economics, incl. foreign economic activity of the Company;
- Has the right to sign (by power of attorney), certified by the round seal of the Company, on financial, banking and other documents;
Carries out:
- Management of all types of work on economic analysis, accounting and financial activities of the Company.
Deputy Chairman of the Management Board for Finance and Economics is obliged to:
- Arrange financing, proper condition, reliability and improvement of accounting and reporting, positive financial condition of the Company;
- Organize work on the timely payment of wages to the Company's employees, settlements for all types of taxes and fees to the budget;
- Take measures to reduce accounts receivable and payable;
- Coordinate the activities of subordinate enterprises and departments in the field of economics, finance, labor organization, wages;
- Coordinate the analytical work of financial and economic activities as a whole for the Company, for subordinate enterprises;
- Coordinate work on the organization of labor, optimization of the staff number based on the analysis of the effectiveness of the management and production personnel;
- Coordinate work to further deepen economic reforms, develop market relations, entrepreneurship, issue and efficient placement of securities;
- Coordinate work directly related to the legislation on the securities market, corporate governance and state registration of the issue of the Company's securities;
- Ensure that the needs of the supervised units for qualified personnel are met and the requirements of labor discipline are strengthened;
- Organize work on the optimal distribution of incoming funds;
- Ensure the implementation of the privatization program in the industry;
- Closely interact with the relevant financial authorities of the republic and higher structures in order to achieve the most complete solution of the tasks assigned to the Company;
- To represent and defend the legitimate interests of the Company in the economic court (by proxy), customs, tax and other law enforcement agencies;
- The Deputy Chairman of the Management Board for Finance and Economics also bears other duties stipulated by the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Charter and local regulatory documents of the Company.
Should know:
- Resolutions and decisions of the government that determine the main directions of economic and social development of the Republic, the relevant industry;
- Resolutions, orders, orders, other guiding and normative materials of higher and other bodies concerning the activities of the Society;
- Profile, specialization and peculiarities of the structure of the Company;
- Prospects for the technical, economic and social development of the industry and the Society;
- Production capacity of the Company, methods of business and management of the joint-stock company;
- Procedure for concluding and executing business contracts;
- Rules and regulations of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.
Directly supervises:
- departments, divisions and other divisions in accordance with the approved structure.
Toshpulatov Alisher Kenjayevich
- Telephone: +998 71 202-10-60
- E-mail: a.toshpulatov@utg.uz
- Reception days: Tuesday 10:00 - 12:00
Toshpulatov Alisher Kenjayevich
- Telephone: +998 71 202-10-60
- E-mail: a.toshpulatov@utg.uz
- Reception days: Tuesday 10:00 - 12:00
Working career
Toshpulatov Alisher Kenjayevich
- Telephone: +998 71 202-10-60
- E-mail: a.toshpulatov@utg.uz
- Reception days: Tuesday 10:00 - 12:00
Functional responsibilities
Chairman of the Board for construction and transport.
- Telephone: +998 71 202-10-60
- E-mail: b.sobirov@utg.uz
- Reception days: Friday 10:00 - 12:00
Chairman of the Board for construction and transport.
- Telephone: +998 71 202-10-60
- E-mail: b.sobirov@utg.uz
- Reception days: Friday 10:00 - 12:00
Working career
Sobirov Behzod Bohodir o‘gli was born in Tashkent in 1990, higher education, in 2011 he graduated from the Tashkent Irrigation and Reclamation Institute with a degree in “Mechanization of Water Resources and Land Reclamation Works,” and in 2020 he graduated from the Tashkent State Technical University with a degree in “Mechanization of Water Resources and Land Reclamation Works.” Graduated from the Oil and Gas Institute with a degree in Oil and Gas.Jahangir Bakhtiyarovich started his career at the "Tashkentneftmahsulot" enterprise from the position of 3rd level operator to the position of senior operator.
In 2014-2019, B. Sobirov worked in various positions in the regional department “O’zdavneftgazinspeksiya” under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
In 2019-2023, he worked as deputy head of the Tashkent regional department “O’zdavneftgazinspeksiya” under the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
In 2023-2024, he worked as the head of “O’zdavneftgazinspeksiya” in the city of Tashkent under the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Since September 27, 2024, he has been working as Deputy Chairman of the Board for Construction and Transport of Uztransgaz JSC.
Chairman of the Board for construction and transport.
- Telephone: +998 71 202-10-60
- E-mail: b.sobirov@utg.uz
- Reception days: Friday 10:00 - 12:00
Functional responsibilities
Carries out the management of all types of work on the capital construction and repair of the gas transmission system and gas supply networks of the society, material and technical support and compilation of Use and construction facilities.Organizes work on the formation and arrangement of address lists of construction projects for the construction, overhaul and reconstruction of public facilities.
Organizes work on the material and technical provision and compilation of construction and use facilities.
Coordinates work on the capital construction and repair of Gts buildings and structures, as well as the preparation of subordinate enterprises and industry units for stable operation in the autumn-winter period.
In controlled enterprises, the technique organizes work to ensure compliance with safety rules, to develop and implement measures aimed at preventing injury and occupational diseases in production, and to reduce.