Shares and dividends

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Information on the structure of the share capital of JSC Uztransgaz as of April 1, 2024

Shareholders Number of shares Share (%)
1 Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan 329 807 303 51,7
2 “Uzbekneftgaz” JSC 292 785 159 46,78
3 Center for Economic Research and reforms under the Administration of the Republic of Uzbekistan 509 0,000081
4 Legal entities: 11 18 277 0,02
5 Individuals: 16 659 3 165 824 0,5
Total 625 777 072 100,0

Information on accrued and paid dividends on shares of JSC Uztransgaz

Year Accrued dividends for 1 stock (sum)* Accrued dividends (without dividend tax) Paid dividends ** Total debt**
Common stocks Preferred stock
At the end of 2018 - 250 747 128 000,00 389 941 462,70 357 186 537,3
At the end of 2019 - 250 747 128 000,00 343 184 232,50 403 943 768,5
At the end of 2020 - 250 747 128 000,00 280 963 977,50 466 164 024,5

* without dividend tax
** as of 01.04.2023

  To receive dividends, you must contact JSC Uztransgaz with an identity document (passport). The transfer of dividends is carried out on the basis of statements by shareholders, indicating the recipient's bank details and current passport data, with a copy of the passport attached.

Phone of JSC "Uztransgaz": (71) 202-10-60 (internal 452)

  We would like to inform you that in accordance with Article 42 of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Joint Stock Companies and Protection of Shareholders' Rights", a shareholder is obliged to promptly inform the depository that provides services for recording rights to his shares about changes in his data. In cases where the shareholder does not provide information about the change in his data, the Central Securities Depository and the depository providing services for recording the rights to his shares shall not be liable for the losses caused to the shareholder in this connection.

Name Date file
1 Additional share issue brochure 2018 year pdf
2 Information on accrued and paid dividends on shares of Uztransgaz JSC 2022 year docx

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