Investment projects

Update date: 02.04.2025 17:06:24

I. Modernization of the gas transportation system of the Republic of Uzbekistan with the introduction of a dispatch, monitoring and control center for gas infrastructure facilities SCADA.

The Program is being implemented in accordance with the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan from 09.01.2020 №PP-4563 "On measures to implement the investment program of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2020-2022".

The purpose of the Program is to guarantee stable and uninterrupted supply of natural gas to national consumers of the republic, transit and export of natural gas.

Implementation of the Program would enable:

  • achievement of significant reduction of operating costs by application of modern energy efficient technologies;
  • reduction the level of air pollution;
  • increase of gas transmission system capacity.

The Program implies reconstruction and building of sectors of gas pipelines, modernization of compressor stations with construction of new workshops, as well as the implementation of SCADA system (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition).

The execution of the Program is divided into two parts: Phase I (2020-2022) and Phase II (2022-2025).

Currently, a feasibility study of the project is being developed and sources of financing are being worked out through loans from international financial institutions.

II. Increase in gas storage volumes in the Gazli UGS facility to 10.0 billion cubic meters. m, in conjunction with additional exploration and additional development of gas horizons and oil rims of the field.

The Program is implemented in accordance with the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan № 4563 “On measures to implement the investment program of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2020-2022” from 09.01.2020 and the Road map that was approved by the decree of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan № PP-3997 from 03.11.2018.

Estimated project implementation period - 2020-2024. The preliminary cost of the project is USD 850,0 millions, type of financing – direct foreign investments and loans.

Implementation of the project involves gradual increase of the underground gas storage’s capacity, restoration of the natural gas extraction from the deposit and increase of oil production by carrying out additional exploration and additional development of the deposit, building new gas pumping capacities and systems of oil and gas preparation.

To implement the project, JSC “Uztransgas” and foreign investor JSC “Forus” established joint venture “Gazli Gas Storage”.

Currently, a feasibility study of the project is being developed and assessment drilling of the gas field is being conducted to evaluate the remaining hydrocarbon reserves.

III. Construction of the looping of the Akhangaran-Pungan gas trunkline.

The project is being implemented in accordance with the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan from 09.01.2020 №PP-4563 "On measures to implement the investment program of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2020-2022".

The purpose of the project is a stable and uninterrupted supply of natural gas for the internal needs of consumers in the Fergana Valley, as well as a stable supply of gas to the gas transportation system of Uztransgaz JSC from gas producing enterprises and supplied through transit.

The implementation of the project is foreseen in 2020-2022.

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