Head of ICT Department
- City: Tashkent
- Employment: Full time
- Salary: Based on interview results
For questions of qualification requirements, please call: (99) 010-46-92 and (99) 010-46-93
Contact information
- Name: Azizova Surayyo
- Phone number: +998 99 010-44-01
- E-mail: hr@utg.uz
Foreign consultant
- City: Tashkent
- Employment: Full time
- Salary: Based on interview results
For questions of qualification requirements, please call: (99) 010-46-92 and (99) 010-46-93
Contact information
- Name: Azizova Surayyo
- Phone number: +998 99 010-44-01
- E-mail: hr@utg.uz
Commercial Director
- City: Tashkent
- Employment: Full time
- Salary: Based on interview results
• management of the work of subordinate departments, distribution and control of responsibility among employees;
• determination of the order and procedure for procurement, criteria and norms for conducting procurement transactions, determination and approval of the order of settlements with suppliers;
• optimization of procurement policy;
• provision of divisions with the necessary amount of components for the implementation of the production program, repair and maintenance work and the creation of current regulatory stocks;
• organization and conduct of tenders, analysis of tender documentation;
• negotiation, preparation and conclusion of contracts with suppliers and customers;
• organization of the work of the warehouse facilities in compliance with the necessary storage conditions;
• control of the state of stocks of materials and components;
• management of logistics processes, preparation of logistics forecasts and plans;
• development and implementation of measures to improve the efficiency of the usage of material resources, reduce costs associated with transportation and storage;
• preparation of claims against suppliers of goods and services in case of violation of their contractual obligations, preparation of calculations for these claims, approval of changes in the terms of concluded contracts with suppliers;
• expansion of industrial cooperation and optimization of import volumes;
• study of marketing information and advertising materials about the offers of small wholesale stores and wholesale fairs;
• development the of natural gas balance of resources and distribution;
• control of accounting for the actual volumes of gas delivered to domestic consumers;
• organization of acceptance, verification and registration of reports on the supply of natural gas;
• development of current and long-term plans for natural gas sales;
• conclusion and renegotiation of contracts related to the sale of natural gas under direct contracts and commission agreements;
• control of timely and complete payment for natural gas supplied to the consumers;
• study of trends in consumption and payments for natural gas and making proposals to the management and the Chairman on improving natural gas sales;
• control over the compliance of subordinate employees with the requirements for labor protection and fire safety, industrial and labor discipline, and internal labor regulations.
Commercial Director – member of the Management Board and reports to the Chairman of the Management Board. Commercial director determines the strategy of commercial activity of UTG and controls the provision of material and non-material resources of the required quality, their rational use and storage, as well as effective management of logistics processes. There are two departments that report to the Commercial Director - Department of Procurement and Cooperative Relations and Department of Commerce.
Department of Procurement and Cooperative Relations consists of the following divisions:
- Division of Logistics, Cooperative Relations and Tenders (8 units);
- Division of Proposal Analysis (4 units);
- Division of Planning and Inventory Management (3 units);
- Division of Electronic Trading (4 units).
Department of Commerce consists of the following divisions:
- Division of natural gas sales to retail consumers and Khududgaztaminot JSC (gas distribution organization) (6 units);
- Division for working with gas producers and large wholesale consumers (5 units);
- Gas balance and distribution office (3 units).
Uztransgaz JSC (UTG) is a state company, the main activity of which is the pipeline transmission of natural gas through the territory of Uzbekistan, as well as the export and transit of natural gas.
UTG’s strategic objectives:
• phased and complete transformation into a gas transmission system operator;
• modernization and reconstruction of the existing gas transmission system;
• digitalization of the gas transmission system and automation of business processes;
• creation of attractive and transparent conditions for investments, as well as the use of various financial instruments (bonds, etc.) to attract financing;
• building a competitive tariff system that ensures fair profitability for the UTG;
• publishing reports based on international financial reporting standards.
• Higher education (mainly in the field of economics, management or marketing);
• Work experience in the field of procurement outside the Republic of Uzbekistan – at least 5 years, including at least 2 years in a managerial position;
• Ability to use modern information and communication technologies in work;
• Knowledge of Russian and / or Uzbek languages is welcome.SELECTION PROCEDURE
• Candidates are invited to express their interest by sending a short motivational letter and an up-to-date resume by e-mail to a.kaipbergenov@utg.uz
until August 1, 2021.
• Members of the Supervisory Board will determine which candidates will be invited for an interview, and will form an interview committee and selection committee.
• Additional information about the vacancies can be obtained from Chief Specialist of the Corporate Transformation Division Auez Kaipbergenov via e-mail address a.kaipbergenov@utg.uz or via the telephone +998 990104543.Contact information
- Name: Auez Kaipbergenov
- Phone number: +998 99 010-45-43
- E-mail: a.kaipbergenov@utg.uz
- City: Tashkent
- Employment: Full time
- Salary: Based on interview results
• supervision of the work of the reporting departments;
• development and coordination of the personnel management process in accordance with the policy of UTG;
• organization and planning of the process of finding and attracting employees;
• creating an employee-oriented corporate culture;
• participation in the development of the organizational structure;
• development and implementation of the employee motivation system;
• carrying out work on the preparation and formation of a reserve of personnel for subsequent promotion to senior positions on the basis of the creation of a system of continuous training of personnel and a career planning policy;
• organization of certification of employees of the executive office and structural divisions, its methodological and informational support, participation in the analysis of the results of certification;
• ensuring systematic control over the implementation of the laws of Uzbekistan, decrees, resolutions and orders of the President of Uzbekistan, decisions of the Government of Uzbekistan, instructions of the leadership of the Cabinet of Ministers, the Chairman of the Management Board;
• setting up and ensuring a unified order of executive discipline and office work;
• coordination of work with ministries, departments and other state bodies of Uzbekistan;
• monitoring compliance with the labor legislation of Uzbekistan, UTG's internal regulations, and taking part in resolving labor conflicts and disputes.
JOB DESCRIPTIONHR director - is a member of the Management Board and forms the personnel policy and internal control policy of UTG. HR director reports directly to the Chairman of the Management Board. HR director in his activities manages the HR Department and Department for work with the management apparatus.
HR Department consists of the following divisions:
- HR Division (3 units);
- Staff Development Division (3 units);
- Division for Organizational Development and Personnel Incentive (4 units).
Department for working with the management apparatus consists of the following divisions:
- Division of Control over the execution of government and other orders
(3 units);
- Division for preparing consolidated information and research materials
(4 units);
Uztransgaz JSC (UTG) is a state company, the main activity of which is the pipeline transport of natural gas through the territory of Uzbekistan, as well as the export and transit of natural gas.
UTG’s strategic objectives:
• phased and complete transformation into a gas transmission system operator;
• modernization and reconstruction of the existing gas transmission system;
• digitalization of the gas transmission system and automation of business processes;
• creation of attractive and transparent conditions for investments, as well as the use of various financial instruments (bonds, etc.) to attract financing;
• building a competitive tariff system that ensures fair profitability for the UTG;
• publishing reports based on international financial reporting standards.
• High education (preferably at personnel management);
• Work experience in HR outside the Republic of Uzbekistan – at least 5 years, including in a leadership position-at least 2 years;
• Good ability to use information and communication technologies as tools and resources;
• Knowledge of Russian and/or Uzbek languages is welcome.SELECTION PROCEDURE
• Candidates are invited to express their interest by sending a short motivational letter and an up-to-date resume by e-mail to a.kaipbergenov@utg.uz
until August 1, 2021.
• Members of the Supervisory Board will determine which candidates will be invited for an interview, and will form an interview committee and selection committee.
• Additional information about the vacancies can be obtained from Chief Specialist of the Corporate Transformation Division Auez Kaipbergenov via e-mail address a.kaipbergenov@utg.uz or via the telephone +998 990104543.Contact information
- Name: Auez Kaipbergenov
- Phone number: +998 99 010-45-43
- E-mail: a.kaipbergenov@utg.uz
- City: Tashkent
- Employment: Full time
- Salary: Based on interview results
• management of the technical policies, labor rights and workplace safety, electricity and energy savings, quality control, metrology, automation, and standardization divisions, as well as the vehicle and special equipment management department;
• determination of technological policies, production opportunities, and methods of introducing systematic projects aimed at maintaining the continuous operation of the gas transmission system;
• participation in the implementation and oversight of current and long-term plans for the development, modernization, technological re-equipment, and rehabilitation of gas transmission system facilities, as well as assistance in their implementation;
• ensuring the introduction and delivery of regulatory and technical documents in the executive body, enterprises, and branches of the corporation, as well as the coordination and supervision of regulatory and technical document revision and updating in compliance with existing legislative requirements;
• participation in inspections undertaken by the business and regulatory authorities to study the condition of facilities (power pipes, metering units, compressor and gas delivery stations, underground gas storage facilities) in preparation for the autumn-winter and spring-summer seasons;
• management of labor security in the Business, ensuring the likelihood of continuous progress and the timely adoption of all improvements and additions that have arisen in the Republic of Uzbekistan's legislation, decisions of the Government, State laws, regulatory documents of supervisory bodies, and other regulatory documents in the fields of labor protection, technological, and manufacturing;
• organization and involvement in the work of a permanent commission on labor safety during periodic inspections on labor health, organization and supervision of joint inspections between the UTG’s structural divisions and subordinate enterprises
• organization of commissions’ activity to examine the causes of damages, accidents at work involved with the use and maintenance of machinery, machine tools, mechanisms, and other technical devices in compliance with the “Rule on the inspection and accounting of incidents and other injury to the wellbeing of employees at work”, as well as oversight over the production of measurability;
• control over reliable and safe operation of the main and auxiliary electrical equipment of compressor stations, measuring equipment, structures of main gas pipelines and gas distribution networks;
• regulation of electricity metering, production and application of steps for the effective use of all forms of energy;
• ensuring the timely planning and execution of plans for the overhaul of measurement equipment, control equipment, and the production of steps to improve the efficiency of running equipment, gas meters, relay safety, and electrical automation;
• organization of work on the introduction of new metrological standards, new measuring equipment at gas distribution networks and gas measuring stations;
• participation in the review of design and technical documents for the development and restoration of gas transmission system facilities, submission of comments and recommendations on the documentation's structure, design solutions, and equipment used;
• determining the course of the restoration and technical re-equipment of the motor transport facilities of UTG's divisions;
• control over the technically capable running of engines, road-building and special equipment, and garage equipment;
• regulation over the observance of technical operation regulations, traffic rules, safety procedures, and road safety in the subdivisions' motor transport facilities;
• coordination of engine, road building and special facilities, garage equipment, spare parts, fuels and lubricants calculations;
• carrying out operational and technological steps to implement emerging technologies, innovative gas transportation technology, automation of manufacturing processes, as well as modernize and enhance the efficiency of machinery, with the goal of decreasing running costs and fuel and energy savings.
Uztransgaz JSC (UTG) is a state company, the main activity of which is the pipeline transport of natural gas through the territory of Uzbekistan, as well as the export and transit of natural gas.
UTG’s strategic objectives:
• phased and complete transformation into a gas transmission system operator;
• modernization and reconstruction of the existing gas transmission system;
• digitalization of the gas transmission system and automation of business processes;
• creation of attractive and transparent conditions for investments, as well as the use of various financial instruments (bonds, etc.) to attract financing;
• building a competitive tariff system that ensures fair profitability for the UTG;
• publishing reports based on international financial reporting standards.
• Education- higher technical.
• Work experience in the field of gas transportation outside the Republic of Uzbekistan – at least 10 years, including in a managerial position-at least 5 years;
• Ability to use modern information and communication technologies in work;
• Knowledge of Russian and/or Uzbek languages is welcome.JOB DESCRIPTION
Technical director is a member of the Management Board and manages the production activities of UTG. The Technical Director reports to the Chairman of the Management Board.
The main objective of the Technical Director is to ensure reliable and safe operation of main gas pipelines, branch pipelines, gas distribution stations, underground gas storages, compressor stations (main and auxiliary mechanical equipment), electrical equipment, emergency power systems, relay protection and automation devices, thermal-power equipment and heating systems, equipment of water supply and water disposal systems, ventilation equipment and electrochemical protection facilities at gas transmission system facilities of UTG.
The divisions mentioned below subordinate directly to the Technical Director:
- Division of Technical Policy (3 units);
- Division of labor protection and industrial safety (6 units);
- Division of energy and energy saving (5 units);
Also Department for the management of vehicles and special equipment, consisting of the following divisions:
- Division of rationing, provision and accounting of fuels and lubricants (3 units);
- Division of accounting and serving automobile transport and special technics (3 units).
• Candidates are invited to express their interest by sending a short motivational letter and an up-to-date resume by e-mail to a.kaipbergenov@utg.uz
until August 1, 2021.
• Members of the Supervisory Board will determine which candidates will be invited for an interview and will form an interview committee and selection committee.
• Additional information about the vacancies can be obtained from Chief Specialist of the Corporate Transformation Division Auez Kaipbergenov via e-mail address a.kaipbergenov@utg.uz or via the telephone +998 990104543.Contact information
- Name: Auez Kaipbergenov
- Phone number: +998 99 010-45-43.
- E-mail: a.kaipbergenov@utg.uz